About violinist on roaming...

生活就如旅行,我的心像是mobile on roaming,無論身在何處,帶著一把琴、一枝筆,寄給你一張張的明信片-樂譜裡的絃外之音...Wish you a good journey.


Sinalunya Interviews: Huei Chiang

Sinalunya Interviews: Huei Chiang

Sinalunya Interviews: Huei Chiang

Huei Chiang
Black & White portrait of Huei Chiang (by courtesy of the artist)
When someone would go to a concert of the Empordà Chamber Orchestra, he or she would possibly be surprised to discover that the first violinist and assistant concertmaster is a young lady from East Asian origin. Her name is Huei Chiang (江蕙) and she was born in Taipei in 1980. She is also a talented writer, her other huge passion besides music. She has been living in Catalonia since 1999, when she accepted such a position in the Empordà Chamber Orchestra. As a Taiwanese native but also a long time resident in Catalonia, she has the perfect profile to analyze both societies and how globalization is getting them to be closer every passing day. Sinalunya has approached her with this purpose and we thank her for taking the time to answer these questions.
Q: You have been living in Catalonia for more than 10 years now. What is your perception of the Catalan society? How was integration in such a different society for a young Taiwanese lady? And what was the reaction of the local people?
R: It’s a tricky question! I wouldn’t say that in general the Catalan people are open to foreigners; people are nice and friendly in this region, but it doesn’t mean that they would try to make you “feel like home” in this country. From my part, in my fifth year in Catalonia, I thought that it was time for me to learn some Catalan, I wanted to feel more integrated, so I took Catalan classes. Some people were really impressed by an Asian girl that “tried to speak Catalan” and they were happy to answer me in Catalan as well, but some others just kept on speaking Spanish to me, like it didn’t matter to them… People are hard to please!!! (Joke)
Then I realized that speaking the local language is not the main thing which makes you feel being a part of a society, it helps, but what’s really important is if we “want” to understand and communicate with each other! Here I’ve seen the worst and the best qualities of people; I have some very good Catalan friends, and I don’t think that they would like me any less if we speak Spanish to each other!
Q: You were hired as first violinist and you were only 19 years old at that time. Were your fellow colleagues with the orchestra surprised to have you there? How was their acceptance? And what has been the evolution of your role there?
R: I don’t really know what they thought of me during that time! Maybe too young to be working?! But I was a good player then, and they were my first friends in this country!
What I’ve been doing in the past 11 years is to take as much advantage as I can from this work: I love playing as a soloist and I’m very fortunate to have many chances to be accompanied by my own orchestra. They are my colleagues who support me, and I’ve learned so much by being on the stage as a soloist -controlling one’s nerves and mental state, building up one’s presence and self confidence…
When I first entered the orchestra, I was a first violin tutti and then became the assistant concertmaster (the second chair in the first violin group), which means sometimes that I also do the concertmaster’s work while he is on leave. Being in that chair is a challenge, because then you really feel the responsibility right on your shoulders -how can you make your group sound better together? And be 100 % sure for your orchestra because they rely on you. All together it has been a good training for my personal growth.
Q: Catalonia has always been an open nation that has looked beyond its borders, but now nearest markets are becoming difficult and East Asian ones can play an important role in getting out of the crisis. What would you recommend to Catalan entrepreneurs and businessmen if they had to go to Taiwan in order to deal with Taiwanese people and culture?
R: Taiwanese people are fascinated by foreign cultures. They used to be very American influenced, and then both the Japanese culture and the Korean cultures have also played quite an important role in the recent past. In the last 15 years, every time when I get back home I’m so amazed to see how international the place has become. In big cities you’ll find European cafes, restaurants even better decorated than here, and getting good Italian, French or even Spanish food is no rarity. As Taiwanese are open to things coming from the outside, people like to change their taste every now and then (the speed of fashion is much quicker there), basically nothing stays the same for more than 2-4 months, and people would have to keep renovating, reinventing their products in order to catch the public’s attention. Catalan people are very smart in relation to economy, what I would suggest is to understand Taiwanese people’s tendencies and needs: healthy products such as olive oil and grape seed oil, they also appreciate wine, cheese (in the supermarket you can get all kinds of cheese, possibly more varieties even than here!). As for dealing with businessmen there, I really have no idea, because there are all kinds of people! Some people can be direct and honest, some can be “never reject you” in front of your face, but they wouldn’t do what they’ve promised, but they will always be friendly and polite with you.
Q: Talking about Taiwan, is there something from there that you are terribly missing here? And what would you take with you from Catalonia if you would move back to your native country?
R: I think all Taiwanese people would say the same thing: FOOD!!! The food is wonderful there. I also miss the people who I love (family and friends) and all the traditional Chinese holidays -by doing the celebration you really notice that the people have great respect towards our ancestors, our gods and ghosts. We treat the spirits, the unknown, with respect and indirectly that makes the place full of warmth. Every Chinese holiday has an interesting, sometimes even romantic story behind it. Unlike the western holidays, Chinese holidays have very little to do with religion but more with seasons and mythology.
Another thing I miss are the bookstores in Taiwan, you will only see this there: Every bookstore is like a library, there are tables and chairs around, you can choose any book you want, sit down and spend the whole afternoon reading it till you finish, no one will even come and ask you to buy the book! That’s what we think “normal” in bookstores, and the stores are always full of people and quite! The result is that people always buy books as well, but then you can really choose something you must have rather than buying some books you are not quite sure about.
And what would I bring from Catalonia, food wise? As for presents I often bring torrons, pimientos de Padrón, polvorones… but if I do move back to my country, it would be my whole living experience! My professional experience in playing and Yoga! I learned Yoga in Catalonia, and I am also a trained Yoga teacher.
Q: Are there any cultural interactions between Taiwan and Catalonia that you are aware of? Do you think that it is something to be explored? Any ideas?
R: I don’t think there is such an exchange between these two places, a lot of Asian people still haven’t heard of “Catalonia”, they know the city of Barcelona, and artists such as Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, the football team FC Barcelona…  Of course there are things to be explored such as art and gastronomy.
Q: What are your highlights of your life and career here? And what are your projects for the near future?
R: What a question! I didn’t win any special “gold medal” to have golden lights shining all over me! I’m a violinist and I enjoy playing, when I do a good performance and feel the audience responds to me, this makes me complete, these are the moments I appreciate in life.
As for my projects- I have something that I have to keep secret yet, because I want to be one of the first people who present such a thing in the world. When I get it finally planned and settled, I’ll be glad to publish the news on the site!!! (Carl Jung talked about the collective unconsciousness, so I may not be the first one in the world who has had this idea).
Q: Finally, please let us know a little bit more about yourself by telling us your tastes:
A book: About Love and Solitude by Krishnamurti
A movie: The Shawshank Redemption
An actor or actress: Audrey Hepburn
A song or musical piece: Bach – Ciaccona
A performer: Billie Holiday
A composer: Franz Schubert
A landscape: L’Empordà
A dish from Taiwanese cuisine: Everything!
A dish from Catalan cuisine: Arròs negre (black rice), Fideuà, Cargols (snails)
A wish: To experience and live every moment
The above questions are too difficult to just answer one, especially about music and musicians; there are so many things which I love, so many composers and performers… So when I name one, it means- Everyone, Everything!
Finally, let’s enjoy the incredibly talented Huei Chiang on violin together with the Orquestra de Cambra de l’Empordà, conducted by Carles Coll, playing the Faust Fantasy op.13 by P. by Sarasate


Waiting vs. Later

- While you long for…-

People say "time flies"
Right now the time doesn't even go...
Crawling like a patient spider
Constructing his web- waiting for someone delicious
Feels like a century

What does "later" mean?
When will "later" come?

She smiled-
Sudden breeze in a hot summer's night,
And said:
Eh, later...

等待 vs. 等會兒


人們說: 時光飛逝





心平如湖水, 宛如世間太平, 一切美好

這首短詩是我與朋友志謙的合作,靈感是來自於我們2010年九月時於柯隆認識時的對話,那時和姊姊,世菁(志謙妻) 及他們的兩個小寶貝在桌底下玩鬧的陪伴下,我們討論著愛情,婚姻的話題,我們有各自不同的故事,可是卻同樣經歷過- 當身心在戀愛(想念)某人時,竟不自覺的聞道到那人的味道...



以下文章是今年二月時我在" 台灣古典音樂網" 回的訪問稿,在此擷取了幾個問題, 完整的內容還請至原網頁閱讀! 和你們分享我的音樂,瑜珈,歐洲的學習與工作經驗!
Enjoy Reading :) 


Q:與小提琴家Ruggiero Ricci學習的經歷?
江: 和Ruggiero Ricci (1918-)學習是我生命中很重要的轉折點,甚至在我開始工作時,思考他所教的東西,覺得他所講的都是能讓我運用一輩子的知識!他是位很有「人性」的大 師,一點架子也沒有,就像你的爺爺般(當時和他學習時,他已經80歲了!)還記得有時上課時,我突然想到: 天哪,在我面前的是Ricci,是世界級小提琴大師,而我在拉給他聽呢! 當時我們所有學生也和助教 Chris Nicholls先生上課,因此一禮拜有兩堂小提琴課,學習的十分密集,老師也教的很仔細。他對於技巧,音準,也即聽力訓練要求很嚴格,而對於曲目和音樂 性上給予學生較多自由,因為他自己本身是「天生」型的演奏家,所有的感情抒發都是直接的,唯有在學生樂句作不對時給予修正。他常對我們說: 「最好的老師,是教你如何教導自己!」 有時他打斷我們演奏, 問我們知不知道被打斷的理由,學生有時想半天,一直試不同的解答,直到講出他要的答案! 因為他認為,一般人都很喜歡拉琴,都很沉醉在演奏中,可是卻不傾聽自己的演奏,不懂得在練琴時糾正自己的錯誤,所以有時壞習慣一出現,其實就是缺少「聆 聽」和分析。他當時還有接音樂會及計劃錄音等,以他80多歲高齡,每天仍練琴6小時,每天教一整個下午的學生,我所看到的是位活生生的藝術家,一位音樂界 的傳奇人物! 當你真的和大師相處在一起時,真的看到他是一位如此平易近人,自然不做作,謙虛又腳踏實地的人,他雖然以神童出名,可是一輩子都花心思在小提琴上,從不間 斷,這是我親眼目睹的。我想,對他影響最深的小提琴家應是Kreisler,有時在學生演出前,他以Kreisler對他說過的話做為鼓勵: Always play how you feel! 「如你感受的去演出」
在我剛和他學習的第一年,也是第一次接觸Bach的夏康舞曲,當時我練那曲子已一個多月,也分別拉給助教及Ricci 聽幾次了,可是每次上課似乎都有東西可以講,我也不知道還要再練多久才可以換另一首曲子,由於好奇心所以我就問: 「Mr. Ricci,這曲子我要練到什麼時候呢?」 他微微一笑,說: "Until you die!"「直到死亡那一刻,卸下琴弓為止」 當時他是開玩笑,可是這卻是「事實的玩笑」,因為他本身是所有曲目都在指尖下的演奏家啊! 所有Bach, Paganini, 及多數的協奏曲都是他自年輕時累積下來,且不離手的。就連後來他正式退休了,不在學校教學及接音樂會了,每天仍拉完三首Bach 賦格曲, 及Bartok的賦格曲,以他的說法,是為訓練腦力保持年輕的方法。甚至在2007年時,他利用退休的時間作研究,出版了一本技巧書 "Ricci on glissando"結合了他多年在小提琴上的研究,和一般學派不同的理念,並找出最有效率的練習方法。
真正的藝術家無論何時都在創新,不斷的從自己身上發明- 這是我在大師身上學到的!

Q:您致力於瑜珈及表演藝術之間的研究, 可否分享給台灣古典音樂網的愛樂網友?
江: 做瑜珈帶給我的靈感,及給予我的幫助實在太大了,yoga和演奏的共通點,和坐禪一樣,你專心在一點上,心無旁騖,所以意識感強烈,心境透徹,可是瑜珈又 教導我們如何放鬆,甚至是一些較吃力的體位法,也要曉得哪裡該出力,力量從那兒來,哪裡不該緊的肌肉放鬆些…等等,這不就和拉琴,彈琴一樣嗎? 只是有多少主科老師會這樣提醒學生呢?小提琴家曼紐因(Y. Manuhin, 1916-1999)曾說過,瑜珈大師艾楊格(B. K. S.Iyengar, 1918-)是他遇過最棒的小提琴老師,因為Iyengar教會他如何放鬆! 曼紐因這話不假,他曾跟過數位我所敬佩的小提琴大師們學,包括Enesco, Busch…,(他也曾因多年在外演出的壓力,造成失眠的困擾)可是瑜珈的哲學教導人們如何接受自己的現狀和體能,不需要給自己壓力和別人比較,甚至和自 己比較!因為每個人都有自己的長處和身體狀況,你方法對了,朝這條路上走,且觀察自己的身體反應(包括所帶來的心理感覺),一定每天有所進步,這和練琴的 心態是完全一樣的,不是嗎? 放鬆包含了精神上和生理上的放鬆,這是我們在舞臺上尋求的平衡,因為你無法要求自己不緊張,你我都是人,都有情緒反應,尤其當你做件你熱愛且看重的事時, 怎麼可能處在無關痛癢的狀態呢? 偏偏一緊張,肌肉就緊了,這是人體自然的防衛反應,在演奏上就影響了準確度, 打擾了營造你追求的藝術,所以我想運用瑜珈裡的放鬆法做心理調適(這得仰賴時間的訓練),或建議一些體位法,讓人達到專心卻又平衡的狀態(專注力和放鬆的 結合),因此我自己也在不斷嘗試中! B.K.S Iyengar大師說過一句話,我看了覺得這是給我們做為音樂的人最貼切的明示: 「當我練習時,我是位哲學家,當我教學時,我是位科學家,當我示範時,我是位藝術家。」他這句話其實沒有特定的對象,他所指的練習教學示範,都是在 Yoga範圍內,可是說的之貼切,是和我們表演藝術者息息相關的!

江: 瑜珈的練習裡包含了不同的調息法(Pranayama), 有些可以達到放鬆的效果,有些當你覺得缺少活力,動力時,可以幫你增加精神。我覺得可以視個人需要,在演奏前練習呼吸法(有些人在表演前做氣功或太極), 主要是幫助演奏者的心理狀態,因為心理把持住了,安住了,身體就會聽你的,所有你平常練習的,你早已知道如何達到,可是那臨場感是你平常練習不來的,藉由 調整呼吸可以幫助你處在平穩專心的狀態。我們一般人知道呼吸的重要,可是卻不到呼吸的重要! 呼吸是連結身體和精神(心理)的唯一管道,即使你做瑜珈動作不注重呼吸,效果就不理想了!
演奏時或者平常練琴時,如果能想像體內的氣不是只從胸腔,而是從腹部升起,進而找到身體的中央,從這中心點向下往地面,像樹幹扎根似的擷取力量,另一方面從腹部領導這氣藉由脊椎向上伸向頭頂,就我的經驗而言,所發出的音色會更加飽滿和宏亮! 建議所有音樂人試一試呢!

江: 我想舉個簡單的故事好了,主要是把瑜珈的哲學和演奏之間做個連接,是我在瑜珈課中得到的靈感,我想這比在紙上談理論來的清楚:
一天早上的課程中,我們練習著Warrior Pose 英雄式:雙腳大大的張開,一腳彎曲另一腳打直著,雙手背展開,頭看前方。本來我對這個姿勢沒什麼特別喜愛的,可是Isabel說到: 「假想你是位戰士,你看著前方,你想到什麼?在面對戰爭時,你的態度是什麼? 恐懼,不安,害怕?還是你抱有自信面對一切的難題? 要打贏一場戰爭時,你要想什麼呢? 看著前方,你不畏懼,你把恐懼拋在腦後,所有無關的細節或煩惱都不見了,你在此,是為了要打贏一場戰爭-做自己的戰士! Presence, Strength but Without tension 存在力+力量+不緊張!」
當她說出這句話時,我覺得好像突然被當頭棒喝一般,我突然想到:這不就是我們在舞台上表演時所要達到的境界嗎? 當你有了Presence(存在表現力, 在而不有), Strength(力量)但卻不緊張(生理和心靈兩方面),這時音樂就可以出來了! 這時你是在享受著藝術,創造當下的藝術,進一步感動觀眾。頓時,我看著自己前方的手,彷彿見到了未來,背後方的手,是過去,而現在呢?是我自己在中央的身 軀和頭部! 這是多麼驚奇的姿勢啊! 原來過去、現在和未來,是自身的三重時間視域的凝聚! 過去發生的,所經歷所決定的事,影響著我們現在的生活,而我們如何看待現下的自己,所做的工作和對待生活的態度,將對未來有改變,曾經和將來凝聚在現在! 瑜珈的英雄式讓人們覺察到自身中的時間性,因為這個覺察的訓練,人們學會看見當下中自身的多重元素,進而讓人們在當下決斷時更有信心。
而音樂呢,更是時間,當下的藝術,長時間的練習,是耐心和體力的結合,為的就是在舞臺上的那段時間展現你想表達的藝術,但音樂世界好手之多,競爭十 分激烈,在舞台上時,已不是比較誰是較好的音樂家了,在大家技術和音樂性上都相當的情況下,誰能臨場發揮得最好,誰較能掌握自己的神經緊張,能把腦海裡醞 釀的畫面和情緒,在當下完整的傳達給觀眾時,才能化剎那即永恆! 把演奏時不斷決斷音符的過程,也就是不斷決定自身的過程,凝聚為一次不可重複的樂曲,因為不可重複的無可替代性,人們往後只能憑藉記憶呼喚並且活化那次的 演出,而成為一種不斷再現的永恆回憶,正是所謂的餘音繞樑,三日不絕於耳! 所以,我常想,真正能做到活在當下,就會知道如何做個好的音樂人!
在人生的戰場上,自身的三重時間視域的凝聚,最常出現一種情況:曾經發生的事導致內心的恐懼或不安,它不斷負面地影響當下對將來的決斷。瑜珈讓我們 覺察這種處境,讓我們接受自己的曾經,因為這個接受,我們不再花力氣和它對抗,從而有餘力讓我們重新地專注在新的決斷時刻;在舞台的戰場上,當拉錯了音, 甚至忘譜或跳段時, 導致內心的恐懼和不安更是直接,讓人無處可躲,我們是要花力氣在自責上?還是把我們的餘力重新地專注在底下的演奏? 答案不言而喻。面對人生或者舞台站上這種因為「過去」而造成的負擔,透過瑜珈可以覺察這個人生的逃避和自責機制,進而讓我們學會接受,重新平靜,把力氣用 在對的方向上。面對戰場時,戰士們是不能猶豫的,透過瑜珈的覺察訓練,使音樂人更能掌握自身,更能在決斷音符時展現一種信心,也更能在出現錯誤時,坦然接 受,這是瑜珈帶給我在生命和音樂上的啟發。


好久沒有參加作文比賽囉! 當然,成年之後, 離開台灣的學制,沒有人逼我寫作,可是小時候的作文課引發的興趣,讓文字成為我重要的朋友,一個讓我傾聽自己心聲,向外傳播,交流生命經驗的管道!

今年是我頭一回進入3的俱樂部(30 歲啦!) 我的生活中有3個 Passion: 音樂, 瑜珈, 寫作- 如果每增加一輪(20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70...) 年歲,因為生命的累基有新的元速進來 ( 也許40開始練毛筆, 50打太極...) 生活是更加多彩多姿,還是繁忙? 我所看見的,是位偷偷竊笑的老太太 ,在遠方坐著蓮花座,吃著麥當勞,說: 到時你就知道啦!

2011 五月有幾件開心事呢!
- 兩年的Yoga教師訓練課程結束,我是位合格有證件的瑜珈老師了!
- 入圍年度最佳原創作品部落格- 會心一笑 :)
- 認識並閱讀印度心靈大師 Krishnamurti (1895- 1986)的著作 開了我第三隻眼!!! 這是重要的一環,因為我能在此和親愛的讀者們分享,建議你們也閱讀他的書籍, 如果你對"生命" "愛" 死亡" "時間" 等課題有興趣的話,Krishnamurti 講解之透徹,一個個問題正中你心,讓你無法逃避自己的思緒!

The The official repository of the authentic teachings of J. Krishnamurti

六月,我將期待著更多開心事,現在先不說什麼! 只是好好的耕耘,為現下-即將來工作!

Future doesn't exist- future is NOW! - Krishnamurti